An independent lifestyle

will grow on you!

Raising Rabbits

Sustainable and environmentally friendly 

Rabbit manure is one of the top natural fertilizers  

Start your self-sufficient lifestyle


Growing your food at home

Imagine the self-reliance you’ll get from growing your food. Depending on where you live, this could mean growing plants such as tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, peas, corn, herbs, strawberries, fruits, etc. Self-reliance can be done in your backyard, in a greenhouse, windowsill, patio or deck.


How to start your self-sufficient lifestyle

You do not have to become a farmer, just a mini farmer. Pick what you are interested in and just began in a small way. Many people attempt too much right from the start and get discouraged and quit. So just pick one thing and do it, whether it is a window box growing fresh herbs, or a raised garden growing lots of vegetables.


Raise your standards

Raising rabbits is fun and requires minimal spaces. You may be surprised to know urban environments potentially are capable of raising and keeping small animals, but check your local ordinances before you start. In regulated places, if allowed there is usually a limit to the number of animals allowed, and where you can keep them.

The average pounds of tomatoes one plant can yield

In a garden, this many square feet are needed to feed one person

The average hen can produce this many eggs per year.

The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) currently recognizes unique rabbit breeds

Square Foot Gardening is the most practical, foolproof way to grow a home garden. That explains why author and gardening innovator Mel Bartholomew has sold more than two million books describing how to become a successful DIY square foot gardener

Steps for starting a small garden


Choose a location for your new garden, but keep a few things in mind

It will need sunlight, preferably 6 hours or more daily. The soil will need to be well irrigated. Locating the garden close is important because if you can see it, you will not forget to tend to it.


Prepare your soil for growing

Mulch the soil with straw or other materials. Mulch reduces weeds and holds in the needed moisture. Enrich the ground with composting, use only plant matter for this never meat or dairy. Rabbit manure is one of the few that can be directly put in a garden and not harm the plant.


Make a decision on what to grow

Try to keep with plants that do well in your region. Produce plants that you like to eat or are ingredients to your favorite foods. Consider what plants grow well together and fit your space. You can grow more than one crop in the same area over the growing season.


Add a small greenhouse to the garden

A greenhouse extends the growing season and keeps the frost from destroying your plants. Even a small greenhouse will deter deer and other animals that may want to make a meal of your plants.


Raised bed garden enhances your outside and greenhouse garden

Building your garden on raised beds simplifies weed and pest control.
With a raised bed garden, you can grow more food in a smaller footprint.


Sprouting is affordable takes small space

There are many plants you can sprout, alfalfa, beans, peas, etc. Tray spouters are available at many retail outlets at a relatively small price, so doing this should be a simple thing for most people to do. Fresh, homegrown sprouts are an excellent way to add organic to your meals.


Composting can enhance your garden

Composting will create a fertile soil. Fertile soil contains carbon and nitrogen.

Ingredients for composting:

  • Carbon Based – hay, leaves, sawdust, dried grass clippings, shredded newspapers, wood chips, twigs, and straw.
  • Nitrogen Based – fresh grass clippings, freshly cut hay, alfalfa, seaweed, and kitchen scraps.

Note: Kitchen scraps to use and not to use.

  • Usable scraps – coffee grounds, tea bags, spices, crushed egg shells, vegetable, and fruit.
  • Do not Use scraps – meats or carcasses, dairy, or pet waste.